Leadership Library

Please use the below resources for your leadership duties.


The Chapter President of a “Your Chapter Name” shall perform all duties assigned to this position as outlined below. They shall preside at all meetings, or in their absence the Vice President or in their absence a designated director. The Chapter President has the only authority to sign any and all documents related to business activities of the Chapter.

Reports directly to: WIPA International President and Executive Director.

  1. Provide leadership to the Chapter Board and members.
  2. Is not a voting member of the Board but will serve as a tiebreaker for all Board votes when necessary. Motions can be suggested but cannot be made by the President.
  3. Attend the joint monthly Chapter President & Vice President calls.
  4. Act as spokesperson and chapter representative on registered documents for WIPA Chapter Name.
  5. Express the sentiments of the Board when a majority vote that has passed on a matter.
  6. Appoint all departments/committees with the approval of the Chapter Board.
  7. Serve as liaison between WIPA Chapter Name and WIPA International.
  8. Conduct monthly Chapter Board meetings no closer than three (3) weeks apart.
  9. Ensure the Board meeting agenda is created and utilized during board meetings, following the Chapter Board agenda template (posted in the Leadership Library).
  10. Attend Chapter President call-in meetings and yearly in-person retreat(s) as scheduled by WIPA International.
  11. When a position is vacant, the President will assign the appropriate Board member to attend the required Director call.
  12. If the Secretary is unavailable, the Chapter President shall appoint another Chapter Board member to assume the Secretary’s responsibilities.
  13. Assume any and all responsibilities of unavailable Chapter Board members.
  14. Work with the DEI Director in the review of any metrics or initiatives developed in-year, including speaker diversity and sponsor diversity reporting.
  15. Where possible, approve social media posts to ensure proper representation and messaging.
  16. Any additional responsibilities/duties as determined.

As a reminder, this President’s Report submission is due by 11 pm PST on the first Thursday of every month.


The Vice President shall, in absence of the Chapter President, assume all powers and perform all duties of the Chapter President except where precluded by law. Vice President is an ex-officio member on each director position.

Reports directly to: Chapter President and Chapter Board of Directors.

  1. Prepare to take over Chapter Presidency at the end of the current President’s term.
  2. Prepare the Board agenda, to be approved by the President.
  3. Take on special Chapter projects as appropriate.
  4. Assist in planning the Chapter Board retreats with the Chapter President.
  5. Assist the Chapter President as appropriate.
  6. Compile monthly Chapter President’s report; report must be submitted to International via Basecamp no later than one (1) week prior to the monthly Presidents call.
  7. The Vice President is a voting member of the Board.
  8. To ensure future leaders the Vice President has a vested interest in a well-established and trained board.
  9. The Vice President oversees the maintenance and adherence to WIPA SOPs – and shares a role in SOP updates that the secretary currently has.
  10. Collect feedback and proposed updates following the Q1 Board Retreats
  11. Any additional responsibilities/duties as determined.

Other duties may include: Follow up monthly with committee chairpersons to ensure that goals are being accomplished; work in conjunction with the Chapter Board of Directors to produce goals/plan of work for the year.


Reports directly to: Chapter President and Chapter Board of Directors.

  1. Issue notices of Chapter Board meetings.
  2. Record/transcribe all Chapter Board meeting minutes. A Best Practices for Taking Minutes guide is available in the Leadership Library.
  3. Distribute minutes to the Chapter President for approval.
  4. Communicate Board member changes for the website to International.
  5. Maintain and preserve a record of proceedings and history of Chapter. Maintain digital files and records in central, WIPA-owned Basecamp.
  6. Complete the master deadline calendar for the Chapter, which includes meeting dates, events and deadlines for all Chapter Board members on their projects.
  7. Follow up on tabled items on the Chapter Board agenda. Any tabled items must be resolved at the next Chapter Board meeting.
  8. Follow up on action items from the Chapter Board minutes. Any action items must be resolved at the next Chapter Board meeting.
  9. Any additional responsibilities/duties as determined.

Use the link below to view and download documents. Everything from letterhead to reimbursement forms.


Reports directly to: Chapter President and Chapter Board of Directors.

Hours: >10 per month

  1. Become an active signer on the Chapter bank account and be responsible for any documentation, forms, submissions, or other duties therein required by bank establishment for maintenance of account. At the end of their term, they will work with the incoming Treasurer to transfer their active signer status by December 31 of the current calendar year.
  2. Receive and deposit all Chapter funds in the name of the WIPA Chapter Name in a bank or trust company as approved by International no later than one (1) week prior to Chapter Board meeting.
    • All funds withdrawn from the Chapter accounts must be submitted via QuickBooks and approved by the Chapter Board prior to submission; an approved paper trail must be entered into the Chapter files.
    • All funds over $1,000.00 must have two (2) signatures on the check or (2) written approvals from the signatories for ACH payments. Persons approved to sign checks are the President, Immediate Past President, Vice President and/or Treasurer.
  3. Use of Quickbooks for Chapter bookkeeping is required, there are no exceptions. Maintain Chapter accounting records in International-provided QuickBooks. All expenses and income should be assigned monthly in the QuickBooks chart of account, and all bank and credit card accounts must be reconciled monthly. The reconciliation report is required to be included in the monthly President’s Report.
  4. Present financial reports to the Chapter Board at the monthly Chapter Board meetings. Review the annual budget for an up-to-date snapshot of where the Chapter stands.
  5. Run the Company Overview Report (encompassing the Statement of Activity and the Statement of Financial Position) from QuickBooks to distribute to the Vice President for the President’s Report.
  6. Submit the monthly bank statement and reconciliation report to the Vice President for the President’s Report.
  7. As applicable, be responsible for the SQUARE merchant unit and storing it in a safe location. Be trained on using the unit onsite for events and be the responsible party to ensure the SQUARE is available at each event for accepting ticket sales at the door.
  8. Prepare a draft Chapter budget for the year and submit the budget to the Chapter Board for approval. A Pro Forma annual budget template is available in the Leadership Library.
  9. Any additional responsibilities/duties as determined.

Other duties may include: Oversee registration and additional funds raised for each event.

This video is approximately 3 minutes.

This video is approximately 3 minutes.

This video is approximately 3 minutes.

This video is approximately 3 minutes.


Director of Programs

Reports directly to: Chapter President and Chapter Board of Directors.

  1. Ensure the successful execution of all Chapter meetings, booking and contracting appropriate vendors (venue, catering, etc.) for each event.
  2. Tour the facilities of potential venues to make sure it’s the right fit.
  3. Create a run of show and standardized program script for each event to include, but not limited to:
    • Timeline of events
    • Introduction of WIPA International Board member/VIP’s if applicable
    • Welcome from Chapter President
    • Introduction of Speaker
    • Thank you to sponsors
    • Announcements of upcoming WIPA programs.
  4. Beginning in 2024, all Chapters are required to have at least two (2) of the four (4) quarterly events include a ‘giveback’ component. If the Chapter’s Director of Community Engagement role is not filled then the duties of overseeing this fall to the Chapter Programs Director.
  5. Provide Communication Director with all necessary event information in order for events to be promoted, including but not limited to- Event Date, Time, Location, Speaker, Menu, Parking Information and Sponsors.
  6. Negotiate event sponsorships in partnership with the sponsorship director as applicable, utilizing the event sponsorship form available in the Leadership Library.
  7. Obtain a certificate of insurance (COI) from International as needed for any venue, creative partner, and/or anyone else requesting it for a Chapter produced event.  WIPA’s Executive Director will need event details (date, venue name and venue address) and at least ten (10) business days to process a COI request. Email requests to Kelly@wipa.org.
  8. If your Programs Director (and not your Sponsorship Director) is responsible for negotiating event related sponsorship/partnerships they are to utilize the required Event Sponsorship Agreement provided in the Leadership Library.
  9. If your Programs Director (and not your Marketing/Communications Director) is responsible for submitting requests for event emails to be distributed read the SOPs 11.2 EMAILS section of the SOP for full details on process.
  10. Actively collaborate with the DEI Director to determine ways to include DEI efforts into programming initiatives.
  11. Ensure that all chapter programs are following any Board-approved guidelines regarding inclusivity and accessibility as shared and determined by DEI Director initiatives and proposed to the board for approval.
  12. Any additional responsibilities/duties as determined.

Director of Education

Reports directly to: Chapter President and Chapter Board of Directors.

  1. Ensure educational content of Chapter meetings meets the needs of its members.
  2. Work in tandem with Director of Programs to:
    • Determine meeting program appropriate to selected venue, bearing in mind certain speakers may not be appropriate because of lighting/AV limitations.
    • Submit meeting information to the Director of Programs, as they compile meeting information for the Director of Marketing & Communications.
  3. Secure speakers and topics for quarterly Chapter meetings.
    • Research speakers, seeking out speaking topics, availability, rates and speaking samples to present to the Board for final approval.
    •  Confirm the Speaker by sending agreement and speaker consent for recording. Both are available in the Leadership Library with the Speaker Code of Ethics.
    • Request promotional assets from the speaker to include headshot, logo, bio, and topic description.
    •  Find out and coordinate Speaker A/V needs and communicate to A/V sponsor.
    •  Ask for questions from the speaker to help perpetuate Q&A if needed.
  4. Work closely with the DEI Director to ensure a diverse group of speakers is selected throughout the year.
  5. Any additional responsibilities/duties as determined.

Event reports are placed into password secure Dropbox folders. Reports are uploaded on specified dates (these dates were determined on the event submission form). These folders are password protected. Please contact your Chapter President as they determine who has access to these records.

Interested in hosting a panel?

Length & Content: There is no limit to the length of the video but should include the intro of the speaker, the entirety of the presentation and the Q&A after. The video should max out at 1GB for submission purposes.

Editing & Branding: Special Editing or Branding of the educational portion is not required but can be done. Branding elements or logos can be provided by the chapters Marketing/Communications board member.

Submission Format: Video should max out at 1GB and be sent to either the Programs or Education Director of the chapter.

Deadline: Video must be submitted to the chapter within 30 days of the event.

Photos must be uploaded to an album on your chapter’s Facebook page. These uploaded areas are checked once per week. If you need an album to appear sooner, please email info@wipa.org.


CIF Discovery Call Questions -download

  1. Tell us about yourself, your business, and your role in your local wedding community.
  2. Have you ever served on an association board before?
  3. How did you first hear about WIPA?
  4. Have you ever attended a WIPA Chapter meeting or event?
  5. Why do you think your local market needs a WIPA Chapter?
  6. What geographic area do you see encompassing your potential chapter?
  7. Describe your local market when it comes to weddings:
    What makes this market unique?
    • Is there an interest in education?
    • Are there existing industry associations?
    • How much support for this initiative do you expect?
    • Do you know others who would join your steering committee?
  8. Do you foresee yourself as the future leader of this chapter? If not, who will be?

Next Steps To Share on a Discovery Call:

  1. Sign up for the WIPA newsletter | https://bit.ly/WIPANews
  2. Become a member | www.WIPA.org/Become-A-Member
  3. Attend a WIPA meeting and/or town hall
  4. Start recruiting a steering committee of 8-10 interested, accountable people
  5. Have them sign up for the newsletter
  6. Create a prospect list of potential WIPA members in a shareable document


Director of Membership

Reports directly to: Chapter President and Chapter Board of Directors.

Hours: 15+ Per Month

  1. Execute strategies to grow Chapter membership. This includes but is not limited to- maintaining a list of prospective members, contacting all potential members to follow up and welcome all new members personally.
  2. Coordinate name badge ordering for events, being sure to spell check members’ names.
  3. If an Attendee Guide is to be created, the Membership Director is responsible for managing the tasks of gaining attendee permissions for inclusion in the Guide and also for retrieving the headshots and/or logos for each member that will be attending and has approved use of their information.
  4. Identify prospective members from WIPA Chapter events and follow up within (7) days of attending.
  5. The Membership Director solicits feedback from members.
  6. Absorb any and all duties of the Director of Membership Retention if needed.
  7. Generate membership reports for the Chapter Board to understand member status, climate, and have the ability to identify potential leads, along with expiring members.
  8. Identify ways to increase the diversity of WIPA membership by way of an inclusive community vs. quota.
  9. Any additional responsibilities/duties as determined.

Director of Membership Retention

Reports directly to: Chapter President and Board of Directors.

Hours: 15+ Per Month

  1. Bi-Annual Check-In Calls
    • At the first board meeting of the year, review the membership list with your board and schedule check-in calls to happen TWICE a year.
    • Split the list among your board to divide the work.
    • First call should happen three (3) months into their annual term, and second call should happen six (6) months later (three (3) months before the member’s renewal date).
    • The purpose of the calls is to gauge overall member satisfaction, solicit any feedback for the board, and remind members to renew their membership.
    • FOLLOW UP with your board members on a monthly basis to ensure ALL members are being contacted as scheduled.
  2. Calculate and Monitor Monthly Retention Rate
    • Count number of new members (check Renewal Date column)
      Subtract: [this month total members] – [new members]
    • Divide: [above result] / [last month members] = Retention Rate
  3. Monthly Report
    • Create and update a monthly report for your President and International Director
    • Include monthly retention rate
    • Share feedback from bi-annual check-in calls
  4. Review the Membership FAQ page at org on a quarterly basis to be familiar with the most commonly asked membership questions.
  5. Generate a report for the newsletter regarding membership promotions.
  6. The Membership Director solicits feedback from members.
  7. A Chapter’s Membership Retention Director is at the front-line of protecting the Chapter’s member data against any level of misuse. This includes, but is not limited to, member emails, phone numbers, addresses, account history, etc. Diligence to protect access of membership documents and lists and the accountability for how lists are used make a Chapter less vulnerable. In the event that a Chapter falls prey to misuse of member data the incident is to be fully documented by the Chapter President and reported immediately to the WIPA International President and Executive Director for review and guidance of next steps.
  8. Work with the DEI Director to determine ways to engage, include and retain our members of diverse backgrounds.
  9. Any additional responsibilities/duties as determined.

Membership reports are placed into password secure Dropbox folders. Chapter Membership Reports are uploaded on the 1st of each month. There is also a New Member Report generated every Monday.  Please contact your Chapter President as they determine who has access to these records. These folders are password protected.

Membership drives happen four (4) times per year. The member drives are association wide. The dates of the drives will be provided in advance for promotion.


Reports directly to: Chapter President and Board of Directors.

  1. Oversee all communication activity for the Chapter, ensuring information is distributed to current and prospective members in a timely and efficient manner.
  2. Maintain Chapter’s social media pages, sharing news, events, and announcements on an as-needed basis. Work with the board to ensure proper representation and messaging.
  3. All messaging, whether via social media, email or newsletter, that conveys the feelings of the chapter as a whole must be approved by majority board vote.
  4. All Chapter event invitation graphics should have the WIPA Chapter logo on it.
  5. Market all WIPA meetings and events via email campaigns, social media, landing page, newsletter, etc.
  6. Work in tandem with the Director of Programs to create and distribute a save-the-date and invitation for Chapter meetings and events.
  7. Ensure proper recognition for all creative partners and sponsors by means of logos where appropriate and as agreed upon by the Board.
  8. Post event recaps, including photos, on the Chapter’s social media channels within seven (7) business days of the event are REQUIRED. Photos MUST be posted into an album on the Chapter’s Facebook page to be accessible for linking to the Chapter’s landing page at www.WIPA.org.
  9. Send out all newsworthy Chapter-related items to the media including, but not limited to, announcement of new WIPA International and Chapter Boards, upcoming meetings and events, and awards.
  10. Create optional newsletters.
  11. Oversee the promotion of the annual Chapter Board of Directors nominations. This campaign runs September through October each year.
  12. Any additional responsibilities/duties as determined.

Length & Content: There is no limit to the length of the video but should include the intro of the speaker, the entirety of the presentation and the Q&A after. The video should max out at 1GB for submission purposes.

Editing & Branding: Special Editing or Branding of the educational portion is not required but can be done. Branding elements or logos can be provided by the chapters Marketing/Communications board member.

Submission Format: Video should max out at 1GB and be sent to either the Programs or Education Director of the chapter.

Deadline: Video must be submitted to the chapter within 30 days of the event.

Photos must be uploaded to an album on your chapter’s Facebook page. These uploaded areas are checked once per week. If you need an album to appear sooner, please email info@wipa.org.

Once submitted, please allow 3 business days for the admin and marketing team to build out your request and get a TEST back to you. Forms submitted after 12pm on Fridays will not be started until the following Monday.

This form is for GENERAL EMAILS. Once submitted, please allow 3 business days for the admin and marketing team to build out your request and get a TEST back to you. Forms submitted after 12pm on Fridays will not be started until the following Monday.

Here you can view samples of newsletters and submit your chapter newsletter for distribution. Newsletters must be submitted as a single PDF file and will also be placed on your chapter’s website landing page. If you don’t submit a main graphic for the email campaign, the first page of your newsletter will be used. As with all emails, newsletters must be emailed through the member portal.

Membership drives happen four (4) times per year. The member drives are association wide. The dates of the drives will be provided in advance for promotion.

Please watch the above video for a brief video on how to login and navigate CANVA (our premier resource for designing your graphics). You can then output those graphics as JPG or PDF for use in social media and email campaigns.

To access Canva:
Login: admin@wipa.org
Password: Wp$9112323

The WIPA marketing team has put together some event invitations that are used in email and social campaigns. These graphics are also used on your Chapter landing page.

The WIPA marketing team has put together a general template and example of best practices when it comes to setting up a chapter event email.

Each year, around Q3, Leadership Nominations/Applications begins.  WIPA Admin recommends social media postings, email campaigns, announcements at events.

Event reports are placed into password secure Dropbox folders. Reports are uploaded on specified dates (these dates were determined on the event submission form). These folders are password protected. Please contact your Chapter President as they determine who has access to these records.


Reports directly to: Chapter President and Board.

  1. Beginning in 2024, all Chapters are required to have at least two (2) of the four (4) quarterly events include a ‘giveback’ component. If the Chapter’s Director of Community Engagement role is not filled then the duties of overseeing this fall to the Chapter Programs Director.
  2. Cultivate community contacts to increase awareness and collaborative opportunities with nonprofit organizations.
  3. Assess the needs of the community at large to gauge interest in community engagement projects.
  4. Outline potential community engagement options and make final recommendations regarding which project(s) to pursue to the Chapter Board.
  5. Organize and coordinate volunteers, as needed, for community outreach activities and programs.
  6. Determine specific tasks and collaborate with the Director of Marketing & Communications to promote the need for volunteers, share successfully executed projects, etc.
  7. Abide by the Chapter budget for any community engagement activities and/or contributions.
    • Any and all Chapter-related activities to include, but not limited to, charitable partners and donations must be reviewed yearly and approved by majority vote of the Chapter Board no less than 90 days before the event is to take place.
    • Donations made by Chapter funds may not exceed 10% of the total balance in the Chapter’s bank account at the time the donation is agreed and paid to the receiving entity.
  8. Document the Chapter’s philanthropic efforts and share collateral with the Chapter Director of Communications, who will then tag WIPA International.
  9. Chapter’s have autonomy to be a participating partner for community and/or ‘give back’ events/activities. However, fee registration, non-fee registration or RSVPs for a community or ‘give back’ event must be processed through WIPA’s Member Portal at www.WIPA.org.
  10. WIPA is not registered to fundraise or engage in charitable solicitation in any of the association’s Chapter states. However, a Chapter may choose to donate event registrations or a portion of event proceeds they make on an event, and this is allowable and a non-issue. If a Chapter chooses to add a charitable donation component to their event registration, it can ONLY be added to the ticket cost and it is the responsibility of the Chapter to track those fees and pass through those donations to the promoted charitable organization. Note, a Chapter may choose at any time to encourage charitable donations that are paid directly to a charitable entity (ie. via QR code, online payment link direct to the organization, etc.).
  11. The legalities of hosting ‘raffles’ for an event are different from state to state. Chapters are discouraged from hosting any “raffles” “prize drawings” “opportunity drawings” etc. because most states consider this gambling. It is in the best interests of everyone that Chapters NOT be in a situation of explaining to the State Tax and Revenue Department or other authorities regarding the collection of these funds. If a Chapter insists on exploring “drawing” activities they are required to consult and get approval from WIPA’s Financial Advisor.
  12. Any additional responsibilities/duties as determined.


The Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion shall perform all duties assigned to this position as outlined below. This position works in tandem with nearly all Director roles to ensure that DEI related work is being carefully intertwined with other WIPA areas of focus and business.

Reports directly to: Chapter President and Board.

  1. Share in detail with the Chapter Board the WIPA DEI Action Plan and what the Association as a whole is doing in the areas of DEI that support the Chapter’s success.
  2. Identify opportunities and gaps and spearhead initiative(s) to achieve ongoing progress in WIPA’s diversity, equity and inclusion journey.
  3. Ongoing review of membership policies and procedures to ensure that they promote diversity, equity and inclusion values.
  4. Provide insight for diversity among WIPA Chapter speakers, including expert commentary, guest writers and interviews.
  5. Identify ways to increase diversity of WIPA leadership, Board, and local Chapter membership.
  6. Work with the Community Engagement Director to include underrepresented groups and organizations.
  7. Work closely with the Marketing & Communications Director to provide suggested content to ensure diversity and inclusive messaging on social media.
  8. Work with the Programs Director to elevate the importance of learning and being open to opportunities to use or increase the use of inclusive terms and language in meetings, events, name tags, event venue signage, and promotional materials.
  9. Encourage the Chapter Board to create a welcoming environment for all at events.
  10. Identify DEI-focused webinars and supplemental education to attend, making budget requests as needed.
  11. Manage any allocated DEI budgets to the Chapter and advise board on its usage where necessary.
  12. Where possible, develop a Chapter specific DEI committee to help create and manage new initiatives and programs as necessary.
  13. As available, attend all monthly INCLUSIVV sessions or work to secure a timely replacement if the Director cannot attend.
  14. Any additional responsibilities/duties as determined.

Best Use Practice for Incorporating Diversity Resources Calendar in WIPA Leadership Library

MISSION: Promote Intentional Inclusivity by celebrating and commemorating diverse voices, perspectives, and communities such as, but not limited to, MarCom, Education, Community Engagement, and Programs. Foster an inclusive environment that reflects the wide-ranging aspects of diversity, equity, and belonging.

COMPLIANCE OBJECTIVE: To ensure compliance with licensing criteria while promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) through celebration, commemoration, holiday, and other diversity resources in the WIPA Leadership Library.


  • Adherence to Licensing Criteria:
    • Do not share the direct link to the licensed WIPA Diversity Resources Link outside your local WIPA Board Leadership.
    • Do not replicate or reuse this DEI tool images or visuals in a manner that violates the agreed-upon licensing terms because they have their license image criteria directly with owners, and those rights do not pass on to WIPA; however, you may use the existing images as inspiration to seek our royalty-free images to create Original Visuals to avoid any potential licensing conflicts, and there is no need to give credit to DRC if handled this way.
    • Do not use exact replicas of DEI tool images (e.g., calendar PDF or screen shares) outside the organization.
  • Collaborative Image Sharing:
    • Promote a collaborative environment by sharing diverse perspectives and experiences through royalty-free approved images you secure or provide by your membership with permission.
    • Encourage members to share their visuals while respecting the unique contributions of the DEI tool.
    • There are many free resources online where you can source images.  A few websites that offer a variety of copyright-free images for use:
      • Unsplash
      • Pixabay
      • Pexels
      • Freepik
      • Wikimedia Commons
      • Creation of your own images using an ai generator.  
      • These platforms provide high-quality images that can be freely used for both personal and commercial purposes. When choosing an image, always check and comply with the specific licensing terms of each image to ensure proper usage. In short – if you don’t have express permission from the owner of the image, don’t use the image.
  • Copy Authenticity:
    • Fostering Originality: Transforming this inspiration into authentically crafted chapter content.
    • Use this copy content as an inspiration reference. Directors are encouraged to draw inspiration from the concepts presented but are expected to rewrite the copy to reflect the chapter’s authentic voice and perspective. This practice ensures the creation of original content that aligns with the unique context and contributions of the WIPA community.
  • Locate the Live References Links for Newsletters, etc.:
    • For example, under “Media and Resources,” you will find “Recommendations” such as books and media. For those references and others, you may locate the live open web link (see Neurodiversity book reference below) and use it to complement DEI messaging, content creation, or newsletter references with no conflicts.
    • When referencing external content, provide proper attribution and citations to maintain transparency and acknowledge the original creators.

 EXAMPLE: Neurodiversity

  • Book: “The Reason I Jump” by Naoki Higashida
  • Summary: Written by a non-verbal autistic Japanese boy, offering insights into his world
  • Key Insights: Sheds light on the inner lives of people with autism
  • This was also made into a movie 

By adhering to these guidelines, WIPA Leaders can contribute to a vibrant, diverse, and welcoming environment that upholds the principles of DEI while respecting licensing agreements and fostering collaboration with the Diversity Resources Company.


Member news submissions must be limited to 160 words + links and is always DUE the last Thursday of the month for the following month’s publication. News will appear on the blog and be linked from the International newsletter.

Use the link below to view and download documents. Everything from letterhead to reimbursement forms.

These ethics codes are in addition to the Code Of Ethics for Members. Please be familiar with them. As a leader you agreed to this code on your NDA and by accepting a position on your local board.