Submit Monthly Presidents Report

As a reminder, this President’s Report submission is due by 11 pm PST on the first Thursday of every month.

President submit the information below and upload the appropriately named documents in the order listed.

  • Meeting Minutes (Doc Name Example: Las_Vegas_Minutes_Meeting_040124)

  • Quickbooks Report (Doc Name Example: Las_Vegas_QB_report_Month2024)

  • Bank Statement (Doc Name Example: Las_Vegas_Bank_March2024)

Each chapter has a “To-Do” task for each month, which you may check to see if it has been completed or message the VP with questions about that particular month’s task.

1 Step 1





Communications/Social Media


Upcoming Events


Supporting Documents

Upload the appropriately named documents in the order listed.

  • Meeting Minutes (Doc Name Example: Las_Vegas_Minutes_Meeting_Month2024)
  • QuickBooks Report (Doc Name Example: Las_Vegas_QB_report_Month2024)
  • Bank Statement (Doc Name Example: Las_Vegas_Bank_StatementMonth2024)



Questions should be directed to