Cleveland – Chapter In Formation Checklist

Launching a WIPA Chapter in Formation (CIF) is a substantial endeavor that requires meticulous planning and precise execution. This checklist will serve as your roadmap – outlining the steps that are to be taken from CIF to becoming an official WIPA Chapter. We encourage you to regularly revisit this for updates and ‘next steps’ as your CIF develops and evolves.

Phase One - Begin

Chapter Inquiry Form


After inquiry form is submitted, Director of Chapter Formation (DCF) sets up an inquiry call with the person(s) who submitted the form.

After the form is submitted:

  • General discussion about WIPA, assess interest and general market
  • Homework: inquirer to gather 8-12 people interested in joining steering committee.
  • Inquirer contacts DCF when they have these 8-12 people.

Discovery Calls with DCF (Director Chapter Formation)


First Discovery Call with DCF, Director of Chapter Development (DCD), and Executive Director (ED). Director of Chapter Success (DCS), President, and VP also invited to the call.

Deep dive into what it takes to become an official CIF:

Committed Steering Committee:

  • 8-12 people with a mix of disciplines and diversity
  • These people must become members and familiar with WIPA (attend other meetings, webinars, etc.)
  • Other association and Board experience a plus
  • Be prepared to plan Town Hall (takes place 2 months after Board approval; no TH Nov or Dec)
  • Meet weekly to plan
  • Market Research
    • Geographical distance from other chapters can be a factor

Steering Committee Formation


Committed Steering Committee:

  • 8-12 people with a mix of disciplines and diversity
  • These people must become members and familiar with WIPA (attend other meetings, webinars, etc.)
  • Other association and Board experience a plus
  • Be prepared to plan Town Hall (takes place 2 months after Board approval; no TH Nov or Dec)
  • Meet weekly to plan
  • Market Research
    • Geographical distance from other chapters can be a factor

Board motion to grant CIF status

Board approved vote for CIF 4/24/24

Once the CIF team feels confident in market viability, motion to grant CIF status is brought to the iBOD for a vote.

  • Upon motion passing:
    • Affiliation agreement is finalized and sent for signatures
    • Town Hall planning may begin
      • Target: 6 to 8 weeks after passed motion
      • No Town Halls can take place in November or December)

Affiliate Agreement

Signed and filed.

Once affiliation agreement is signed:

  • Basecamp access is set up
  • Chapter logo is created and social media accounts may be set up

Affiliate agreements generally are for 100 mile radius area for chapters to cultivate.

10 Members Reached

18 Members as of 5/5

Membership is an ongoing progress. In order to achieve chapter status 30 members are required. Phase One completion requires at least 10 WIPA members. WIPA ADMIN will keep you informed about your current number. Phase Two cannot be completed until the number of members for your CIF has reached 20; Phase Three requires 30 members.

Welcome to Phase Two.

Chapter Identity and Leadership Accesss



  • Chapter logo is created
  • Chapter landing page is live online the website
  • Access to Basecamp to discuss direction with leadersship
  • Facebook is created (by Admin team)
  • Instagram is created (by Admin team)
  • Access to CANVA for design purposes

Town Hall Planning


Town Hall Invitation Submitted to WIPA Marketing


Access to Password-Protected Reports Folder


Town Hall Budget (planned, reviewed & approved by CIF Directors)

AV Contract (reviewed & approved by CIF Directors)


F&B Contract (reviewed & approved by CIF Directors)


Hotel Accommodations Contract (reviewed & approved by CIF Directors)


A town hall is…

  • Town hall planning takes 6 to 8 weeks planning
    • Weekly meetings with CIF team until Town Hall
    • No Town Halls can take place in November or December

Venue, speaker, catering have to be decided upon.

Marketing graphics and text need to be assembled to market the Town Hall.

  • Presentation deck created

Chapter Board Slated

As the Townhall is being planned out, a Chapter Board is slated.

A chapter slate is comprised of the board of directors of the said chapter. President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer are considered the executive board positions. A board must consist of a minimum of 9 positions. Including the 4 executives, the concentration should be on filling:

  • Director of Programs
  • Director of Education
  • Director of Marketing & Communications
  • Director of Sponsorship
  • Director of DEI
  • Director of Community Outreach

This board is not elected, so much as appointed and their time served until the following year’s elections is considered bonus time served.

Even though this initial board is not formally elected, each person must apply for the position they would like to serve. This appointment process is facilitated by the CIF team along with the International Director of Chapter Success.

EIN Application & Paperwork

The Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as the Federal Employer Identification Number or the Federal Tax Identification Number, is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service to business entities operating in the United States for the purposes of identification.

This paperwork is overseen by the WIPA accounting team who will help prepare and submit. Need are:

  • The full name, mailing address, and residential address for ALL four (4) executive board members: President, VP, Treasurer & Secretary.
  • The principal address to be listed for the chapter (we recommends the President’s work (or home) mailing address – but the chapter can set up and maintain a PO Box if you prefer).
  • List who the registered agent for the Chapter will be and their address. This is where legal process can be served in the extremely unlikely event that would happen – where someone is typically available during business hours. (Example: if you work from home, use a home address. If you work in an office, that could be used). Historically, the State likes to see the registered agent be the President. KNOW THAT, some states may require we provide them with the social security number for the person that’s your registered agent (for identification / verification only). If this is the case then WIPA Accounting will contact you directly by phone for that information.

Once the IRS has assigned an EIN number, and certificate documents are signed off at the secretary of state, these documents will be used to set up the Chapter bank account. WIPA recommends CHASE BANK.

Board Retreat & SOP Review

The initial Board Retreat is a in-person gathering of the new Board of the Chapter In Formation. At this gathering you will be joined by a member of the International Board of Directors (often the Director of Chapter Success). This Retreat is usually a single 8-hour day.

  • A/V will be needed
  • Lunch is usually provided
  • A venue usually sponsors the Retreat

The main focus of this Retreat is to formally present the WIPA Chapter SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) and answer any questions the new board may have.

Other purposes of this Retreat are to further plan the Chapter In Formation’s strategy, planning and further define board responsibilities and duties.

Chapter Bank Account

Once the bank account is set up.

  • Seed money ($5,000) is released along with revenue from Town Hall.
  • Monies previously loaned by International will be subtracted.

20 Members Milestone Reached

20 members achieved as of 6/3

Membership is an ongoing progress. In order to achieve chapter status 30 members are required. You must reach 20 members to check off Phase Two. WIPA ADMIN will keep you informed about your current number. Phase Two cannot be completed until the number of members for your CIF has reached 30.

Finally, Phase Three.

30 Members Milestone Reached

31 members as of 7/13

Membership is an ongoing progress. In order to achieve chapter status 30 members are required. You must reach 30 members to check off Phase Three and reach Chapter status. WIPA ADMIN will keep you informed about your current numbers.

Planning for first quarterly event

Planing for the first quarterly event may begin. Planning may not start until 2 months after Town Hall.

Transition to Chapter Success

WIPA has an International Director of Chapter Success. After about 3 months from the Board Retreat, your Chapter will transition from the Formation Team to be guided by this International Director.

If you have any feedback or questions about this or anything WIPA,
please contact us at