Invitation Best Practices

When designing your invitations for WIPA member events please consider the following as “Best Practice Guidelines.” These guidelines will get your started and keep you on the best path for success of your event.

1. When designing your invite include your CHAPTER specific logo or name. Chapter and WIPA logos (transparent backgrounds) are in the Leadership Library.

2. List program name or speaker; both if you can.

3. List DATE and TIME of event prominently.

4. Include location whether VENUE or ADDRESS.

5. Attendance fees: Event FEES can be listed on the invite or EVENTS page. (No need to include every FEE scenario, interested participants will discover that when they click to learn more.)

6. Your invite should be square size. 800x800px or 6×6″ is fine. This size will ensure best view on all platforms from social media to placement on WIPA site and your invitation/announcement emails.

7. Images: Include at least ONE GRAPHIC, which can be a background pattern or image that represents the theme of the event. If you have a VENUE photo or photo of your speaker, you can include that.

8. Don’t clutter your invite.

9. If you need to include more information, bios, sponsor logos, further explanation that will help attendance you can include that on your CHAPTER PAGE or EVENTS PAGE on WIPA. 

Congrats! You have assembled the necessary
information to design and post your invite.

10. Once your invitation graphic has been created have the chapter Communications person send that graphic AND any peripheral descriptive verbiage in paragraph format to WIPA Admins at: 

11. The graphic submitted should contain: topic, speaker name or photo, date, time, location and price. Along with the graphic, please include any menu info, and whether you will need a line for dietary restrictions, parking info, etc. on the event’s registration page. Note, if your invitation graphic has been created in the WIPA Canva account then WIPA Admin will be able to make any minor text changes should they be required.

12. Additionally, when your chapter Communications person submits artwork and information they should also include what they want the email subject line to be,  the dates for successive emails to be sent and whether it goes out to the chapter’s entire list or just members.

13. Once the WIPA Admin team has all graphics and information then the registration form will be created, the email designed and a TEST of the email sent to you for approval before sending out. Once approved, WIPA Admin will send out the email(s).


1. Leadership has access to CANVA account, an online design application. It is very easy to use. If you need access please visit the Leadership Library.

2. In the CANVA account you will find each CHAPTER has a folder. You can see other designs and copy them to use for your invite or get inspiration. Click here for a CANVA Login Tutorial.

3. If you need Chapter logos or WIPA logos, please visit the Leadership Library.

4. Reach out to the venue if you need photos, most will have them online for you to use.

5. Ask your speaker for a headshot photo or bio information to use on invite or event page.

6. Include your graphic on the form page for registration. Making your event as appealing as possible will increase attendance.

Anatomy of an Invitation:

Some recent favorite invites:

Visit the chapters’ instagram pages to do some research. Many chapters also design in Canva, which you can copy designs within.